Cultivate Calmness Using Traditional Chinese Medicine

Some of the most important aspects in Chinese medicine are cultivating calmness and awareness. The body, mind and spirit need to be nourished for health and well-being. While we cannot force changes upon the world around us, we can change our responses to what happens in life by balancing both yin (negative) and yang (positive) energies within ourselves.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), mental health problems such as anxiety or depression are often attributed to an “excess” condition. However, when we talk about excess in TCM terms it does not mean that the condition is too much; it means that a person has too much of a certain substance in their body. This might make them feel uncomfortable or unwell.

To cultivate calmness and awareness we can use Traditional Chinese Medicines such as Acupuncture, Herbal Remedies, Exercise. Techniques like Meditation and using Essential Oils are other great ways to promote a calm mind, body and soul.

Acupuncture For The Body

The Chinese believe that achieving a tranquil mind and allowing Qi to circulate throughout the body is essential for good health and longevity. There’s an energy that runs throughout our bodies, called Qi (pronounced “chee”). It gives us strength, nourishes our organs, helps blood circulate to where it is needed, and keeps us alive.

One of the most powerful ways to use Traditional Chinese Medicine to reduce stress, anxiety and fatigue is through acupuncture. Acupuncture stimulates specific points on your body to help you allow their minds to become tranquil and it’s a way to remove toxins from your body.

Herbal Remedies For The Mind

There are many ways that you can nourish yourself with Chinese herbal remedies. Herbal remedies can detoxify the body, nourish the mind, strengthen vitality, calm the spirit, improve sleep, or activate blood circulation. Herbal remedies for the mind deal with mental and emotional imbalances associated with stress, anger, depression, and fear. A variety of TCM herbal remedies, such as chamomile, lemon balm and skullcap can help you relax.

Exercise The Soul

There are many different kinds of qi gong exercises, but the most simple and effective is to just breathe slowly with your abdomen. There are three types of breathing techniques: “slow abdominal breathing,” “reverse abdominal breathing,” and “diaphragmatic or belly-filling breathing.”

Abdominal breathing can be described as slowly inhaling and exhaling from the abdomen. The breath should be deep, smooth, slow, and long lasting. While taking a deep breath, use your mind to direct qi into each organ system that needs healing.

After relaxing for a few minutes, let go of any thoughts or fears—just hold on to the happy memory from earlier today—and take three deep breaths before returning to normal breathing. Repeat this process several times, or do it for at least five minutes.

Remember to be aware of your breathing throughout the day, and try not to hold on to negative emotions. The more you are able to relax your body, the better control you will have over your qi. If you are feeling overwhelmed with negative emotions, wait until you are alone and breathe deeply. This should help reduce stress.


Relaxing the mind through proper meditation also helps to cultivate calmness. Meditation can help people feel less stressed, become more focused, experience inner peace and increase mental well-being. The relaxation response is created when one sits in a comfortable position with the body supported and the eyes closed for approximately fifteen to twenty minutes. It’s also important not to be distracted by noise or other external stimuli.

Essential Oils

There are many different essential oils that can help you relax and cultivate calmness. Essential oils help to balance the emotions of each corresponding meridian. Each oil has different effects on how we feel, so it is important to know what oil you are using thoroughly before applying it on your skin. There are seven main essential oils used for emotional problems: lavender, orange, chamomile, jasmine, nutmeg, peppermint and grapefruit.

  • Lavender is used for feelings of fatigue, nervous tension, insomnia, and nervous skin problems.
  • Orange oil can help with depression, lack of concentration, lack of energy, irrational fears or hatred toward others.
  • Chamomile flowers help to dissolve sadness while jasmine alleviates worry and anxiety.
  • Nutmeg relieves anxiety, fearfulness, and restlessness while peppermint is used for stress, headache, low pressure, and poor circulation.
  • Grapefruit eases tension, anger, resentment, fear of failure or frustration with excessive mental activity.

Whichever method you choose, all are a way to nourish oneself and present calmness. They all promote the flow of Qi in your body, which brings health and balance to your mind, body and spirit. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Lucky today and find your path to health and wellness! You may also want to give your friends and family a referral so they can have the same great experience!

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